
the IBRC20Deploy interface defines a set of operations related to the deployment of BRC20 tokens

setDeployCosts(uint256 deployFee)

Purpose: Sets the deployment cost.

Parameter: Deployment cost (uint256).


Purpose: Retrieves the current deployment cost.

View Function: Function that does not modify state.

setPeriodTime(uint256 period)

Purpose: Sets the period time for BRC20 token deployment.

Parameter: Period time (uint256).


Purpose: Retrieves the current period time for BRC20 token deployment.

View Function: Function that does not modify state.

setConfirmAgreeCount(uint256 count)

Purpose: Sets the confirm agreement count for BRC20 token deployment.

Parameter: Confirm agreement count (uint256).

deployBrc20(string memory inscription)

Purpose: Deploys BRC20 tokens with an inscription message.

Parameter: Inscription message (string memory).


'data:,{"p":"esc-20","op":"deploy","tick":"Xia1","max":"21000000", "lim":"21000000"}'

deployBRC20Response(string memory inscription, address fromUser)

Purpose: Validator handles response for BRC20 token deployment.

deployBrc20Confirm(string memory inscription, address fromUser, bytes32 deployTxID)

Purpose: Validator Confirms BRC20 token deployment

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